Golden Road Brewery in Glendale

November 21, 2014

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Golden Road Brewery

5410 W San Fernando Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Brewery/ Restaurant

Last Sunday, Jamie and I wanted to find a new local place to get breakfast.  Through my internet researching I stumbled upon Golden Road Brewery. We have been long time fans of the brand- picking up a six-pack here and there from Whole Foods, or enjoying a seasonal selection from Mohawk Bend; however what we didn’t know is that the brewery has a pub!

Located pretty far north in Glendale, nearly Burbank- along San Fernando- to one side you have the trains and to the other expansive canyon views.

Always right on time for brunch- we had our choice of seats to choose from. The hours here are terrific 11-2am most days. There is an indoor pub area with the bar lining one wall and multiple outdoor seating areas, protected from the sun by a roof.

The menu is of course what drew us to the brewery- for every meat dish they have they also have a vegan offering. Yes that is right nearly 50% of their menu is vegan. Okay maybe it is 35-40% but that is still pretty amazing.

Our server was super knowledgable and the food was delicious. We will be back again, soon!

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Images courtesy of Mary Regal